Mel Loten
I joined LSTC in September 2017 and I can honestly say this has been my most enjoyable and rewarding role within my career to date. Having spent 25 years within the leisure industry, mostly commercial, including David Lloyd Leisure, Bannatyne, and Nuffield health. LSTC certainly offers something unique and very different to both its members and its staff.

General Manager
Joined: September 2017
I am responsible for managing the overall operation of the club, I do this by supporting, developing, and inspiring our department heads and their teams.
Working together we ensure our focus is always on providing the best member experience, the best facilities within the area, and creating new ideas to secure the future development of our fantastic club.
The Team and I are dedicated to ensuring everyone who uses the club has the most enjoyable experience no matter what area of the club they use or how long their time is here.
I feel extremely lucky to be working alongside such an amazing group of individuals and I look forward to meeting as many members as possible.