judi kinnear

grounds person
Joined February 2020
It has certainly been the most challenging role I have ever undertaken. Pioneering this role at the club. Helping the team order essential tools, equipment, and materials to help keep the grounds looking at their best and to maximise the members experience when visiting the club.
Responsible for Managing the Grounds of the club, I do this by supporting the Operations Manager and General Manager, timetabling when certain jobs around the grounds are required along with essential equipment, tools and materials lists to keep the grounds looking good. Creating a beautiful environment to both work and play for myself, colleagues, and our members. Making the club somewhere members and staff can enjoy and be proud of. Liaising with the team to offer advice when incorporating future and existing projects to improve the grounds. Committed to making a positive difference to the club.
I am grateful for the amazing team I have the pleasure of working with. It has been really lovely to meet a lot of members so far with such positive feedback and I look forward to meeting many more soon.